Wairarapa, New Zealand
Predictable Profitable Performance Genetics
Polled Hereford Cattle
The Te Taumata Poll Hereford herd is based on nearly 6 decades of uncompromising breeding for the commercial cattleman and the New Zealand grass-fed beef industry. Maternal ability, constitution, longevity and top quality beef production are cornerstones of the Te Taumata cow herd.
Two year old bulls are available for sale at their annual on farm sale at the end of May each year. International and domestic semen is available.

Annual Hereford Bull Sale

Hereford Herd Sires

Hereford Breeding Programme
Romney Sheep
Te Taumata Romneys are highly productive, hardy sheep bred with a balanced approach to trait selection. The real strength of Te Taumata Romney genetics is their constitution and soundness and rapid lamb growth to prime killable weights.

Border Leicester Sheep
Te Taumata Border Leicesters are bred for constitution and thickness and are an ideal maternal and terminal crossbreeding option. Romney/Border Leicester crossbred ewes make top mothers. Romney/Border Leicester crossbred lambs fatten quickly and achieve heavy, high yielding carcass weights.

About Te Taumata
Te Taumata is owned and operated by Alistair and Eileen McWilliam. Te Taumata is an 1150 acre hill country farm in the Gladstone district of Wairarapa, at the bottom of the North Island of New Zealand.
The family focuses on producing top quality, high performance bulls and rams bred to produce real results within client’s herds and flocks. Te Taumata bulls and rams are hard at work throughout New Zealand from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island in both commercial and purebred breeding programmes.
They strive to produce the very best quality Hereford, Romney and Border Leicester genetics for New Zealand pasture-based breeding and fattening systems.