Breeding Program and Objectives
Te Taumata Romneys are hardy sheep bred for optimal production without additional inputs needed, in order to maximise profitability. We take a balanced approach to trait selection with constitution and structure the key to ewe longevity. Te Taumata Romneys are run at high stocking rates in the driest district of the Wairarapa. Rapid lamb growth to prime killable weights is important without excessive mature ewe size.
Te Taumata ewes have the ability to rapidly gain body condition on spring pasture and hold onto this condition grazing pasture ‘top’ through the dry summer and early autumn. Autumn rains typically do not arrive until well into the mating season. This selection pressure gives us the confidence that Te Taumata genetics will thrive in tough conditions and gain top production in favourable farming environments.
We have always maintained a very high standard of quality and weight of wool in our sheep despite low returns. We believe that wool is a premium fibre with a strong future.
Te Taumata Breeding Programme Focus:

- Ewe constitution and longevity
- Lamb weaning weight and carcass weight
- Fertility
- Lamb survival
- Wool production
At Te Taumata our primary breeding programme objective is to breed rams that best combine all of these important traits, using performance data/EBVs along with visual selection and common-sense stockmanship.
Rams are sold throughout New Zealand, including the Chatham Islands, and have also been exported worldwide. Flock rams are available via on-farm paddock sales in November and December. Seedstock rams are available privately on-farm and at selected sales.