The Te Taumata Poll Hereford herd is a based over 60 years of breeding cattle for the commercial cattleman and beef industry.
Te Taumata is an 1150 acre hill country commercial and stud cattle, sheep and deer breeding and fattening operation in the dry/drought prone district of Gladstone, Wairarapa. Stock are run under commercial farming conditions at high district stocking rates where cattle compete with sheep.
If you would like to know more about our management practices and breeding programme, give us a call or come and see us anytime. December/January is a great time to come and see our cows with their calves at foot.
Bulls are available for sale at our Annual Bull Sale at the end of May each year. We strongly believe that a great line-up of sale bulls is the product of a top performing cow herd.
Breeding Objectives
Te Taumata’s objective is to breed productive, profitable beef cattle and provide breed leading genetics for New Zealand’s commercial cow herds run on predominately steep hill country throughout the North and South Islands. New Zealand’s pasture based breeding and fattening systems are unique compared to most countries around the world and our cattle reflect this focus on constitution, longevity, structural soundness and maternal ability.
Te Taumata uses modern technology and performance recording alongside strict structural and phenotype assessement.