2-Tooth Rams
Border Leicester/Romney a superior crossbreeding option for performance and profitability
Te Taumata Border Leicesters are bred for constitution and thickness and are an ideal maternal and terminal crossbreeding option. Romney/Border Leicester crossbred ewes make top mothers; they are highly productive, hardy sheep that are eagerly sought after and command high prices at saleyards around the country. Romney/Border Leicester crossbred lambs fatten quickly and achieve heavy, high yielding carcass weights. Research has shown that Border Leicester sired lambs achieve similar weights and yields to terminal sired lambs in the same time frame.
Hybrid vigour is not a new concept, in fact it has formed the basis of profitable sheep flocks and cow herds around the world for hundreds of years. It has been proven by sound scientific research that a well-managed two- or three-way crossbreeding program will provide more hybrid vigour/heterosis than any composite breeding program.